Monday, October 16, 2017

2017 Meanderings - Oregon Coast Addictions

Late April and into May

Above the town of Yachats looking down at the coastline
Someday, Sis, when you’re ready to travel across the states again, you and I will have to explore what I like to call “Oregon Coast Addictions”.  Oddly enough, swimming in it is not part of the equation, because even in the heat of summer it’s really too cold for that.  No, the addiction has more to do with the power of the waves and the beauty of the “untouched” areas when you feel like it’s just you and the ocean, communing about life and memories.  It also always makes me feel close to Dad, you know?  So it’s a precious kind of thing and you and I will seek out spots like this one, where we can sit and enjoy the simple and awesome wonders of the waves.  The southern coast is, I think, more majestic than the northern more populated areas, so we’ll head that way (Yachats on down to Gold Beach).

Neat little wayside on the edge of Yachats

Me wearing our sister pin and summoning Dad's power

One of the stops we will definitely make is at our “secret spot” we discovered this year, after we returned from our week with you right after your surgery in April.  We had driven to the coast “to escape” for our anniversary getaway and hadn’t realized it was spring break week.  People were crowding streets and waysides everywhere we went.  So, out of self-defense, we took a side road and wound up at our own “private spot”—no people, noise, traffic, nothing.  This is where I did the video and sent it to people who played it for you…I was trying to transfer the power of the waves and Dad straight to you.

On the bench at the "secret spot"

Just a portion of the garden there at Shore Acres

Oh, and I definitely want to show you Shore Acres Park, a little natural wonder around the Coos Bay/Bandon area.  At certain parts of the day, wave action crashes at amazing heights and there are some beautiful sights there, including the garden.

Even on foggy days, the views are brilliant at Shore Acres Park!

I’m sure we’ll see all kinds of wildlife as we venture around the coast as well.  Deer sightings are pretty common, but sometimes you don’t know what to expect. 

Occasionally, you can see coyote up close and personal right there on the beach…

This was not zoomed in--the coyote walked right in front of us.

And one time, we saw elk tracks in the sand and decided to follow them inland…

…and ran into the whole herd!

As we head south towards Gold Beach, you will see some awesome dunes…

Then get ready to be truly amazed by the beauty surrounding the Gold Beach area.  I don’t know if Dad ever told you about this but he actually stayed at Gold Beach one time (I think it was work-related) and remembered how incredibly cold the water was…he of course swam in it (he had to, right?) but only for a few minutes, at which time he said he raced back to his motel where he plunged into a hot tub to get feeling back in his limbs.  But he remembered the beauty too.  You will be amazed when you see it, Sis!

Corner after corner of beauty

If you’re in the mood, we can also take the Rogue River jet boat upstream out of Gold Beach.  It’s a day trip and has some incredible views of probably the prettiest river anywhere.  

The rapids are fun and they make them extra exciting

We did this for the first time this year and were not disappointed.  We wound up seeing plenty of wildlife--bear, herons, eagles, otters…all from the boat!

So there’s a little something to look forward to, Sis, whenever you feel ready—it will all be here when you are.  Here’s to a sometime-in-the-future sister getaway to the Oregon Coast!!


  1. WOW! A beautiful place indeed! Thanks for sharing Darcie!

    1. Thank you and you're welcome--AND you're invited (and the whole Pond5 gang, naturally!) to come see it, film it, anytime. We'd love to be your "guides". :-)
